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B??rd?d dragons m?? be r?l?t?v?l? new to th? ?h?r?? ?f Am?r???, but they ?ur? ?r? cool. R??t?l? lovers call th?m b??rd???. Th??? d???l? l?z?rd? make popular pet r??t?l??. They're ?nt?rt??n?ng to watch ?nd ?r? ?r?tt? ?m?rt, so ?f you're looking f?r a n?w pet, it makes ??n?? to consider a b??rd?d dragon. But b?f?r? ??u br?ng a b??rd?? ?nt? ?t? n?w h?m?, ?t'? important t? l??rn ?b?ut th? ?????f?? ??r? that these r??t?l?? need.
You'll n??d t? b? ??t u? t? ?r?v?d? ?r???r b??rd?d dr?g?n care, ?nd that m??n? ??u'll n??d everything fr?m a heat source t? a b??k?ng ?r?? to ?u?l?t? b??rd?d dragon f??d. Th? ?ff????l g?nu? of th? bearded dr?g?n is Pogona wh??h includes eight d?ff?r?nt lizard species; th? m??t ??mm?n domestic ??????? ?? Pogona Vitticeps. Wh?l? they do live ?n the w?ld, ?????f???ll? ?n Au?tr?l??, b??rd?d dragons ?r? ?l?? one ?f the m??t ??mm?n reptiles k??t ?? ??t?.
Th?? ?r? g?n?r?ll? ??lm ?nd docile l?z?rd?. When th?? d? get ?g?t?t?d ?r ???r?d, th??r "beards," or ?r?? und?r th??r m?uth?, will turn bl??k, g?v?ng th?m th??r n?m??. Beardies ?r? a popular exotic pet ??n?? th?? ?r? relatively ?m?rt ?nd h?v? ??rt??n b?h?v??r? l?k? arm w?v?ng th?t m?k? th?m m?r? endearing. B??rd??? h?v? a l?f? span of b?tw??n 6 and 10 ???r?.
Adult b??rd?d dr?g?n? are large, measuring u? to two f??t long, so b? ?r???r?d t? ?r?v?d? ??ur ?dult dragons with a ??g? th?t'? l?rg? enough to ????mm?d?t? them. Th?? particular r??t?l? ??t? vegetables, ?n???t?, ?nd ?v?n m???. Y?u ??n usually g?t f??d?r ?n???t? or ??nk??? from ??ur l???l ??t store. B???u?? they are desert ?r??tur??, th?? d?n't n??d mu?h water n?r hum?d?t?.
Y?u can u?? a ??r?? b?ttl? to m??t your beardie ?r ?ut a ?h?ll?w d??h ?f w?t?r for h?m to ??? out ?f when he ?? th?r?t?. W?th ?r???r ??r?, your bearded dragon can b???m? a fr??nd for years. If you're th?nk?ng ?f getting a n?w ??t, r??d ?n to d????v?r ?f th? bearded dr?g?n is r?ght f?r ??u.