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Produit de la conference Translatio et Histoire des idees, troisieme du cycle Translatio, ce livre reunit des contributions refletant l'actualisation des recherches sur la Translatio et son role dans la marche des idees. Nous y voyons diverses conceptualisations de l'image de l'Autre et de son univers, dues aux determinants ideologiques et politiques du processus du transfert langagier. L'objectif des investigations est de mesurer les inflechissements induits par la Translatio, ce passage d'une culture a l'autre. Les auteurs abordent aussi bien des cas qui autorisent a identifier motifs et elements recurrents accompagnant le processus de la Translatio. La recurrence de ces aspects permet des formuler certaines regles concernant le transfert langagier.This book, a product of the "Translatio and the History of Ideas" conference and the third volume in the Translatio cycle, brings together contributions reflecting the advances in research on the Translatio and its role in the march of ideas. We see various conceptualizations of the image of the Other and his universe, due to the ideological and political determinants of the language transfer process. The objective of the investigations is to measure the inflections induced by the Translatio, this passage from one culture to another.The authors approach the cases that allow to identify certain patterns and recurring elements accompanying the process of the Translatio. The recurrence of these aspects makes it possible to formulate certain rules and principles concerning language transfer.