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All trading strategies usually have one thing in common: They all utilize one or multiple technical analysis indicators. Technical analysis has been around for ages now and the number of indicators involved has also grown exponentially. This is because the dynamics of the market has changed over the years along with the economic and financial environment. The approach of most traders, to combat this changing environment, has been to try and develop more and more infallible indicators and to try and refine existing ones to the point of infinite efficiency. This is unfortunately the wrong approach since all new indicators take their form from existing ones and add multiple layers of complexity to previously simple principles. This series of books will elaborate on specific technical indicators which are evergreen precisely because of their simplicity. The objective of this book is to enable you to figure out a proper entry mechanism into the market, which is a large part of any trading strategy. In this particular book we will be looking at the following indicators and how you can use them to time your market entries. ADX Bollinger Bands Ichimoku cloud Parabolic SAR Stochastic Oscillator RSI Future books in this series will look at other indicators and analysis strategies such as Volume spread analysis, candlestick patterns, mathematical indicators and derivative indicators.