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Comment je me sens? J'ai des hauts et des bas. Il m'arrive d'?tre f?ch? ou inquiet. Je suis souvent content, mais parfois, je suis triste. Je ressens toutes sortes d'?motions et c'est tr?s bien ainsi! Un texte en rimes pour aider les enfants ? comprendre et ? exprimer leurs ?motions.
There's an abundance of children's vocabulary books offering nouns and action words, but very few providing words for feelings. Janan Cain is the mother of two small children and an artist who has created this winning vocabulary that will help small children find words to express the way they feel. Each of the 14 simple poems is illustrated with delightfully expressive drawings over a two-page spread. The Way I Feel should help reduce the frustration that both parents and children feel when they can't share their hearts.
Original title: The Way I Feel