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Thinking Through Myths

- Philosophical Perspectives

Forfatter: info mangler
  • Format
  • Bog, paperback
  • Engelsk


Eight outstanding essays, from leading academics, deconstruct perennial problems of rationality, imagination and narrative to trace the influence of myth in our own beliefs, origins, and potential futures. Thinking Through Myths attempts to reconcile the opposed claims of pragmatism and beauty, calling for the acknowledgement of myths in everyday experience.

Læs hele beskrivelsen
  • SprogEngelsk
  • Sidetal232
  • Udgivelsesdato09-05-2002
  • ISBN139780415254618
  • Forlag Routledge
  • FormatPaperback
Størrelse og vægt
  • Vægt430 g
  • coffee cup img
    10 cm
    book img
    15,6 cm
    23,4 cm

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