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THE SCRYPTAH. Mythonian Wholistic Guide.MYTHONIAN Energy Healing (series) Volume - 1... 4th Edition. Divine Channelled text for Mythonian & Syraki Deliveries of Spiritual & Crystalline Healing using Divine Universal Energies and our own Crystalline abilities which have physical and spiritual capabilities. Healing others is possible once your crystalline aspect has been activated with Ascension Activation Keys (mind exercises). Mythonian Energy Healing offers a book for this purpose. The Keys were Channelled by Shaman Eilee during a Meditation when seeking guidance using a Crystalline Syrah for Spiritual Union, with special crystals and candles to assist this purpose. Orion a Spiritual Guide of Cheylia' came forth during this meditation and so the gifts of Healing, Union and Divine Knowledge were presented. The Mythonian Way Faith recognises Cheylia' as the Feminine Aspect of God, a book called Cheylia' presents us with Her Divine Ways, to assist our Continuance. Shaman Eilee's Guide of Mythos, Orion, is now part of the Mythonian Healing Ways which have been in place soon after the birth of our solar system, Cheylia's Crystalline Ley Energy ensures union to Mythos continues and so their Spiritual Deliveries ensures this benefit is shared. Sho'Lin Dene was invited and The Scryptah was created by and through Trinity, Union and Duality. A vision of Cheylia' was captured using the artistic skills of a brother and sister, Shaman Eilee and Sho'Lin Dene, it is this unification that makes the Mythonian Way a 'Reality of Cheylia's Presence'. To gain insight and wisdom of such a unification one requires The Scryptah, Cheylia's Codes within it assist your enlightenment, the Deliveries presented will assist your wellbeing and Destiny. There is no intention to waiver ones faith already in place, but rather bring that faith forward to today's world we live in. The transition The Scryptah presents may be a difficult journey for some and a welcome Path for many. Our future destiny is assisted with guidance by Cheylia' and Her Spiritual Guides. Their names may be recognised, as part of our reality for our future flows from past events, and enters into the realms of Cheylia's Desires. Reincarnation and memory transference from one to another using our crystalline abilities are just a few of the subjects discussed. There is wisdom gained with mystic ways that offer Syrah Leys for insight to choose your future, so one may decide how to share or even avoid life's journeys yet to be presented. Duality of ones personality may occur, and ways to improve life in general for those that have not come to terms with feminine and masculine identities being interwoven into one physical form are offered Cheylia's guidance. The future offers all a place to enjoy, in time we will all be recognised for our own personal beauty. Union of those you love is a Divine Desire, and is accepted as presented before us by Cheylia'. Betrothal is a sacred decision made between those in love, a ceremony to compliment these desires of union is in place with the Mythonian Way, as offered by The Scryptah. Spiritual Union, Faith and Wholistic Ways are important for our survival, their benefits of living with each other reflect this. However one should not feel smothered by their presence, simply know Cheylia' welcomes you with Love. Knowledge of Energy Healing, Crystals of Divinity and Counselling Life in General, comes from channelled information available via the Mythonian Energy Healing and Syraki Holistic Ways series, both offer unique and valuable insight, enlightenment for mind and nourishment for ones Soul. Channelled Deliveries explain Ascension and Spiritual Ways of Continuance in detail for your benefit and to be aware of. The Scryptah offers Divinity and Mythonian Ways to assist those you love. 'Crystallinity' is the ultimate journey of life. The Scryptah and Cheylia's Crystal Sweyth Cleanse offers one a fresh start in life. So Sha, Shaman Eilee