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'Tess of the D'Urbevilles' is perhaps the best known novel by legendary British author Thomas Hardy. This heartbreaking story revolves around young Tess, who is hiding a secret past when she marries a young farmer named Angel. She attempts to tell him everything, but he insists that she wait until after they are wed. When Angel learns - on their wedding night - that Tess had been the victim of a sexual assault and lost the resulting child, he leaves her, moving overseas. Tess is then pursued by the same man who assaulted her as a girl and she must choose between destitution and surrender. What follows is an intricate and tragic story of love, loss, betrayal and...murder. A sensation when it was first published, 'Tess of the D'Urbevilles' has gone on to become of the most widely-read and admired books in English literature. It is presented here in its original and unabridged format.