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So You Think You Wanna Be A Preacher's Wife?

- The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth [WORKBOOK]

  • Format
  • E-bog, ePub
  • Engelsk
  • 43 sider
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'So You Think You Wanna Be a Preacher's Wife?' gives practical insights into how to walk through life's expectations successfully. The purpose of this book is to instruct on many principles through the life of Jesus Christ. The author educates on the responsibility of an intercessor in the home. The preacher needs supernatural help from above in order to carry out his duties as a husband and father to their children. This book offers growth strategies for all Wives and Preachers.Nicole M. Broadwater is a psalmist, entrepreneur, first time author, and a former preacher's wife from Queens, New York. Nicole was inspired to write 'So You Think You Wanna Be a Preacher's Wife?' based on her desire to empower and equip women to be effective wives of preachers. This endeavor is accomplished through the real time application of God's word coupled with life learned lessons. Nicole's life of prayer and experience serves as a conduit for the holistic wellness of women.

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