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In much of the Homosexual Communities battle for rights they used a simple system to carry out there agenda. They declared Civil Rights which put them in position before the legal system to have a great and powerful leverage to influence the courts to favor there agenda. One way in doing so is to make there argument about human rights under the title of civil rights. Another way of doing so is to be sure to know whom amongst the high judges are gay or lesbian and build there momentum to move there case before this such judge, which would easily give them victory. The church problem is 1.) The church gave more of its opinion about this matter than the word of GOD. 2.) The church fought a battle against flesh and blood rather than spirits and principalities. 3.) The church argued the wrong point of same sex marriage and marital benefits. 4.) The church argument must be the point in which GODS word points out that the "ACTS' of a man loving another man as he would a woman is against the Kingdom of GOD period. 5.) The "ACTS" of a woman loving another woman as she would a man is against the Kingdom of GOD period. The church can not maintain its argument upon same sex marriages, to change the Homosexual Community wave of victorious momentum in many parts of the world, the church must get back to GOD through Christ Jesus and under the instruction of the Holy Spirit, by way of our contract we accepted upon receiving the salvation of GOD. This contract is called the "Great Commission" and this contract calls for us too preach and teach the gospel of the Kingdom of GOD through the world that one can also be saved as we are saved. And as the Bible says it best it is only when the message of the Kingdom of GOD is preached in the four corners of the earth that the end of the world will come. Not a earthly disastrous moment, the "Message of the Kingdom" to be preached in the four corners of the world. That means us "Church ", it means we as GODS Kingdom Community must teach the people to change there way of thinking and lead them to what is called repentance. Not argue your "OPINION". Amen