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Pregnancy and birth are important parts of life; the fourth book in Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski's Nonnie Series looks at these vital topics with honesty and care. As a birth advocate and certified childbirth educator since the 70s, Dr. Podgurski brings a lifetime of experience in pregnancy and birth; she combines knowledge with an open, honest, interactive, joyful, respectful approach to education for young people. Although the Nonnie Talks about Pregnancy and Birth is suggested for children in grades 3 - 8, parents and trusted adults should consider their young person's curiosity, maturity, and developmental readiness for the information. Each young person is unique. The chapters can be read sequentially or as needed. Topics including anatomy and what happens during pregnancy end in two different types of births in Tamika and Alex's families. Diverse topics like experiencing a miscarriage and fertility challenges are briefly explored. Dr. Podgurski knows children are curious, yet may not know how to start a conversation with adults. Conversely, parents and educators may not know how to begin. The power of the Nonnie Series is the message "It's OK to talk about this together" - for adults and children