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The Adventures of Felix and Ruby" is a charming and heartwarming children's story set in a magical forest filled with talking animals and colorful flowers. The story follows the friendship of Felix, a kind and adventurous fox, and Ruby, a small rabbit who is lost and alone. Felix kindly offers to help Ruby find her way home and leads her through the forest, introducing her to many interesting animals along the way. Along the journey, Felix tells Ruby stories of his adventures and teaches her about the different animals and plants in the forest. Through their shared experiences, Felix and Ruby become the best of friends. With beautiful illustrations and a fun and engaging story, "The Adventures of Felix and Ruby" is the perfect book for children who love nature, adventure, and friendship. This book will encourage children to be kind, helpful and to appreciate the beauty of nature., also there is an activity after the end of story that can help children's to know what they learned from story and play games with professor Panda.