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Lewis Carroll est un nom de plume: l'auteur s'appelait en r alit Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, et donnait des cours de math matiques Christ Church, Oxford. L'histoire a pris naissance dans lecerveau de Dodgson le 4 juillet 1862, sur la Tamise Oxford, au cours d'un voyage en barque avec lepasteur Robinson Duckworth, Alice Liddell (dix ans), la fille du doyen de Christ Church, et ses deux soeurs, Lorina (treize ans), et Edith (huit ans). Comme indiqu dans le po me servant d'introduction au livre, les troisdemoiselles pri rent Dodgson de leur raconter une histoire, et il leur en conta, contrecoeur au d but, la premi re version. Beaucoup de r f rences peine cach es aux cinq d'entre eux ont trouv leur chemin dans le texte du livre lui-m me, qui finit par tre publi en 1865. Les illustrations de ce volume, ludiques etpleines de fraicheur, sont les cr ations de Mathew Staunton, qui s'est bas sur les images d'Alice et desdiff rents personnages qu'elle rencontre qu'a fait naitre en lui sa premi re lecture de l'ouvrage il y abien des ann es, et qui ont t inspir es en partie par sa fille Aoife, qui a pos pour les illustrations. --- Lewis Carroll is a pen-name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the author's real name and he was lecturer in Mathematics in Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson began the story on 4 July 1862, when he took a journey in a rowing boat on the river Thames in Oxford together with the Reverend Robinson Duckworth, with Alice Liddell (ten years of age) the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church, and with her two sisters, Lorina (thirteen years of age), and Edith (eight years of age). As is clear from the poem at the beginning of the book, the three girls asked Dodgson for a story and reluctantly at first he began to tell the first version of the story to them. There are many half-hidden references made to the five of them throughout the text of the book itself, which was published finally in 1865. The playful and fresh illustrations in this volume were prepared by Mathew Staunton, on the basis of very personal mental images of Alice and the different characters she meets which developed when he first read the book many years ago, and were inspired in part by his daughter Aoife, who acted as model for the book.