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When the first edition of BlackMondays was published in 1987, badSupreme Court decisions were ananomaly. Now, unfortunately, thenation's highest court has takenadvantage of a power vacuum inWashington to become the mostpowerful branch of government. Andthe High Court is legislating, despiteits apparent "conservative" nature.The worst decision in recent historywas Bush v. Gore in which theSupreme Court enacted a judicialcoup d'état, installing George W.Bush as President, overruling Floridaand Congress. In recent years, theSupreme Court has taken charge ofgun control, video-game violence,campaign finance and class actions. Ithas taken power from States andcities and given them to corporations."Corporations are people," the Courtannounced, allowing unlimited corporateinvolvement in political campaigns.Corporations can now dictatethat disputes with customers aresettled by arbitration, not in court.The Court has ruled that thesearbitrations cannot be class arbitrationsoverriding State law andindividual rights. 370 pages. Availableat bookstores, Amazon.com,ISBN 978-0-9814510-6-0 Cased $45ISBN 978-0-9814510-8-4 Paper $20