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Chaidh Biorachan Beag is Biorachan M r a-mach do'n choille, a bhuain chnothan...ach cha sguireadh Biorachan Beag gan ithe Bha Biorachan M r ag amas air leasan a theagasg dha a charaid gionach, sanntach, agus sin mar a th isich sreath de bhuilean gun d il. Air aon m bha an sgeulachd air t den fheadhainn a b' ainmeile do chloinn air feadh na G idhealtachd, bho Alba gu Eilean Cheap Bhreatainn, Alba Nuadh.
This is the Gaelic Orthographic Conventions (GOC) edition. A separate Nova Scotia Gaelic orthography edition is also available. Big Biorachan and Little Biorachan went out to pick nuts... but Little Biorachan wouldn't stop eating them Big Biorachan set out to teach his greedy friend a lesson, unleashing a chain of unintended consequences. This traditional Scottish Gaelic tale was once the most widely-known children's story in the Gaelic world. The Gaels brought the tale with them from the Highlands of Scotland to Nova Scotia and passed it down in oral traditon. Illustrator Emily MacDonald's charming illustrations accompany the traditional text, reimagining the tale in 19th-century Cape Breton. Text in Scottish Gaelic.