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What Am I?

  • Format
  • Bog, paperback
  • 12 sider


Can you work out which animals are hidden inside the book?The Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are carefully levelled, fully decodable stories that build a solid foundation in early word reading. Only a small number of new grapheme-phoneme correspondences are introduced in each book, allowing teachers to select exactly the right book for each child's current reading level, from the very earliest stages of learning to read. Extra support for children and parents is built into the story texts through the highlighting of digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words. Engaging story texts and appealing illustrations provide rich stimulus for discussion of child-friendly topics, supporting the development of children's language and vocabulary skills. The inside front and back covers feature useful tips, notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check children's understanding. Information about What Am I?: Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds Phase Four; Book Band Yellow; Phonics focus: adjacent consonants; Tricky words: like, some, come, have, one, out, do, when, what

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  • Sidetal12
  • Udgivelsesdato01-09-2021
  • ISBN139780721716916
  • Forlag Schofield & Sims Ltd
  • FormatPaperback
Størrelse og vægt
  • Vægt55 g
  • coffee cup img
    10 cm
    book img
    17 cm
    21 cm

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