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ARTICLESI.A. Abbot: On some new records of marine algae from Washington StateR.W. Campbell: Recent information on nesting colonies of mew gulls on Kennedy Lake, Vancouver Island, BCR.F. Scagel: Benthic algae of Bowie SeamountT.C. Brayshaw: The dry forests of British ColumbiaD.H. Mitchell: Archaeological investigations on the Chilcotin Plateau, 1968R.M.F.S. Sadleir: Population dynamics and breeding of the deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) on Burnaby Mountain, British ColumbiaF.R. Bernard: A distributional checklist of the marine molluscs of British Columbia, based on faunistic studies since 1950M.J. Wynne: Marine algae of Amchitka Island (Aleutian Islands). I. Delessiriaceae.J.H. Borden and M. McClaren: Biology of Cryptoporus volvatus (Peck) Shear (Agaricales, Polypoaceae) in southwestern British Columbia: distribution, host species, and relationship with subcortical insectsJ. Harling and M. McClaren: The occurrence of Endogone macrocarpa in stomachs of Peromyscus maniculatusI. Stirling and J.F. Bendell The reproductive behaviour of blue grouseD.T. Gallacher: Bureaucrats or businessmen? Historians and the problem of leadership colonial British ColumbiaNotes: W.J. Schick: First British Columbia specimen record of Caspian tern R.F. Scagel and J.L. Celestino: First record of the brown alga Dictyoneuropsis reticulate (Saunders) Smith from British Columbia C.J. Guiguet and W.J. Schick: First record of Right Whale Dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis (Peale) from British Columbia