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Paid a Pretty Penny

  • Format
  • Bog, hardback
  • Engelsk
  • 156 sider


Things aren't quite going to plan.

And then Aron discovers that he's been paid a human being. A living, sentient person.

Now he and his crew, in their travels, must dodge pirates, the authorities, and pro-slavery advocates. And somehow maintain their optimism as they try to find a way to free Penny from that which binds her.

Læs hele beskrivelsen
  • SprogEngelsk
  • Sidetal156
  • Udgivelsesdato09-09-2022
  • ISBN139780645577686
  • Forlag Andrew Cockroft
  • FormatHardback
Størrelse og vægt
  • Vægt350 g
  • Dybde1,2 cm
  • coffee cup img
    10 cm
    book img
    14,5 cm
    22,2 cm

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