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hoppi maka bobbibySummerJupiterValentineOh zeee-zeee-aaa-aaa-fifi-fifiThis is a del ghtful easy-reading rhyming storyabout a gorgeous goddess called Manini Maki.She protectivelyguides over ll the creatures of the stormy Elekwishi Seaand over ll the wonderful people of Olu Olu Mahopi City Curious little Donnaleeexcitedly asks her chatty aunty Sadieto (again) tell her about the heart-warming storyof teensy-weensy Jubilee - the noenoes little pearlfishywho narrowly escapes from the hungry sharky in the darkycalled sneaky Capr The gorgeous goddess Manini Makirapidly saves teensy-weensylittle Jubileefrom the hungry sharky in the darkycalled sneaky Capr Yes Our gorgeous goddess Manini Makipromptly swoops teensy-weensylittle jubileesafely to her cosy homeyin Emshi's snuggly sea-cucumber booty Little Jubilee delightfullyswimmy-dances around thankfullyand praisingly sings her goodbye iliekie-liekie-ki-kiarra-arra-arra-spin-spin-spinnyhoppi maka bobbi shiki shiki shikiThen our gorgeous goddess Manini Maki tenderlysings her catchy iliekie-liekie-ki-kichirpy-chirpy-chirpy-cheee-cheeewolla-wolla-wolla-beee-beeetoppa-toppa-toppa-leee-leeehoppi maka bobbi - d n't worrry be happpy (awesome illustrations inside)