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Construction Management

- Subcontractor Scopes of Work

  • Format
  • E-bog, PDF
  • Engelsk
  • 464 sider
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Construction projects are usually completed through the efforts of several specialty contractors that enter into performance agreements with the prime contractor. Mistakes, whether made while bidding or when executing a construction project, can be costly for the facility owner, general contractor, or subcontractor. Focused on helping the project team avoid these mistakes and run their projects more efficiently, this book describes how a prime contractor can coordinate the efforts of subcontractors and address common problems that can occur during various stages. Greater understanding of problematic aspects can assure that the full scope of the project is covered without redundancy.

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  • SprogEngelsk
  • Sidetal464
  • Udgivelsesdato18-11-2009
  • ISBN139781439809426
  • Forlag Crc Press
  • FormatPDF

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